英国卫生副部长、保守党议员多里斯(Nadine Dorries)10日确诊感染武汉肺炎,为该国首位确诊的国会议员,多里斯曾在过去一周内在英国国会与数百人会面,并且与英国首相强森(Boris Johnson)在唐宁街10号一同参加了招待会,她目前已在家中隔离。



英国卫生大臣韩考克(Matt Hancock)在推特上表示,很遗憾听到多里斯的武汉肺炎病毒检测呈现阳性反应,多里斯已在家自我隔离,希望她能早日康复,「我知道人们为什么担心这种疾病。我们将竭尽所能,以最好的科学来确保人们的健康。」


Thanks for so many good wishes. It’s been pretty rubbish but I hope I’m over the worst of it now. More worried about my84yo mum who is staying with me and began with the cough today. She is being tested tomorrow. Keep safe and keep washing those hands, everyone.

— Nadine Dorries????????(@NadineDorries) March10,2020

1/2: Really sorry to hear Nadine has tested positive for coronavirus. She has done the right thing by self isolating at home, and both NHS and PHE staff have been brilliant. We all wish her well as she recovers.

— Matt Hancock(@MattHancock) March10,2020
